Distortion product otoacoustic emission contralateral suppression functions obtained with ramped stimuli

The purpose of this research was to investigate the changes that occur in human distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) level functions over continuous frequency bands in response to activation of the medial olivocochlear (MOC) efferent system by contralateral broadband noise. DPOAEs were obtained using continuous upward ramps of the lower frequency tone (f1) while the higher frequency tone (f2) was fixed. These ramps were designed to change the stimulus frequency ratio f2 / f1 over a fixed range for each fixed f2 value of 2, 3, and 4 kHz. Contralateral noise was presented on alternating ramps and the DPOAEs with and without contralateral noise were averaged separately. Stimulus frequency ratios of 1.10 and 1.22, and noise levels of 60 and 50 dB sound pressure level (SPL) were employed. Changes in DPOAE level were generally suppression (a reduction in DPOAE magnitude), but enhancement was also observed. For most participants, changes were evident for much of the frequency ranges tested. Average absolute changes for 60 dB SPL noise were 0.95, 0.81, and 0.42 dB for the wider stimulus frequency ratios and f2 of 2, 3, and 4 kHz, respectively. For the narrower ratio and 60 dB SPL noise, the changes were larger with average absolute changes of 1.33, 1.09, and 0.87 dB. For the narrower ratio and 50 dB SPL noise, the changes were 1.08, 0.78, and 0.55 dB with f2 of 2, 3, and 4 kHz, respectively. DPOAE nulls were observed and a common response pattern was a shift of emission morphology to higher frequencies with contralateral acoustic stimulation. The method appears promising for relatively rapid evaluation of the MOC efferent system in humans and offers information complementary to measurement strategies that explore the effects of stimulus level.


Cortical responses to the 2f1-f2 combination tone measured indirectly using magnetoencephalography

The simultaneous presentation of two tones with frequencies f1 and f2 causes the perception of several combination tones in addition to the original tones. The most prominent of these are at frequencies f2-f1 and 2f1-f2. This study measured human physiological responses to the 2f1-f2 combination tone at 500 Hz caused by tones of 750 and 1000 Hz with intensities of 65 and 55 dB SPL, respectively. Responses were measured from the cochlea using the distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE), and from the auditory cortex using the 40-Hz steady-state magnetoencephalographic (MEG) response. The perceptual response was assessed by having the participant adjust a probe tone to cause maximal beating (“best-beats”) with the perceived combination tone. The cortical response to the combination tone was evaluated in two ways: first by presenting a probe tone with a frequency of 460 Hz at the perceptual best-beats level, resulting in a 40-Hz response because of interaction with the combination tone at 500 Hz, and second by simultaneously presenting two f1 and f2 pairs that caused combination tones that would themselves beat at 40 Hz. The 2f1-f2 DPOAE in the external auditory canal had a level of 2.6 (s.d. 12.1) dB SPL. The 40-Hz MEG response in the contralateral cortex had a magnitude of 0.39 (s.d. 0.1) nA m. The perceived level of the combination tone was 44.8 (s.d. 11.3) dB SPL. There were no significant correlations between these measurements. These results indicate that physiological responses to the 2f1-f2 combination tone occur in the human auditory system all the way from the cochlea to the primary auditory cortex. The perceived magnitude of the combination tone is not determined by the measured physiological response at either the cochlea or the cortex.


Adaptive control of vowel formant frequency: Evidence from real-time formant manipulation

Auditory feedback during speech production is known to play a role in speech sound acquisition and is also important for the maintenance of accurate articulation. In two studies the first formant (F1) of monosyllabic consonant-vowel-consonant words (CVCs) was shifted electronically and fed back to the participant very quickly so that participants perceived the modified speech as their own productions. When feedback was shifted up (experiment 1 and 2) or down (experiment 1) participants compensated by producing F1 in the opposite frequency direction from baseline. The threshold size of manipulation that initiated a compensation in F1 was usually greater than 60 Hz. When normal feedback was returned, F1 did not return immediately to baseline but showed an exponential deadaptation pattern. Experiment 1 showed that this effect was not influenced by the direction of the F1 shift, with both raising and lowering of F1 exhibiting the same effects. Experiment 2 showed that manipulating the number of trials that F1 was held at the maximum shift in frequency (0, 15, 45 trials) did not influence the recovery from adaptation. There was a correlation between the lag-one autocorrelation of trial-to-trial changes in F1 in the baseline recordings and the magnitude of compensation. Some participants therefore appeared to more actively stabilize their productions from trial-to-trial. The results provide insight into the perceptual control of speech and the representations that govern sensorimotor coordination.


Simultaneous Latency Estimations for Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions and Envelope Following Responses

The purpose of this research was to simultaneously estimate processing delays in the cochlea and brainstem using the same acoustic stimuli. Apparent latencies were estimated from ear canal measurements of 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), and scalp recordings of the f2-f1 envelope following response (EFR). The stimuli were equal level tone pairs (65 dB SPL) with the upper tone f2 set at either 900 or 1800 Hz to fix the initiation site of the DPOAE and EFR. The frequency of f1 was swept continuously between frequency limits chosen to keep the EFR response between 150 and 170 Hz. The average DPOAE latencies were 9.6 and 6.2 ms for f2 =900 and 1800 Hz, and the corresponding EFR latencies were 12.4 and 8.8 ms. In a control condition, a third (suppressor) tone was added near the DPOAE response frequency to evaluate whether the potential source at fdp was contributing significantly to the measured emission. DPOAE latency is the sum of both inward and outward cochlear delays. The EFR apparent latency is the sum of inward cochlear delay and neural processing delay. Neural delay was estimated as approximately 5.3 ms for both frequencies of stimulation.


Compensation Following Real-time Manipulation of Formants in Isolated Vowels

Auditory feedback influences human speech production, as demonstrated by studies using rapid pitch and loudness changes. Feedback has also been investigated using the gradual manipulation of formants in adaptation studies with whispered speech. In the work reported here, the first formant of steady-state isolated vowels was unexpectedly altered within trials for voiced speech. This was achieved using a real-time formant tracking and filtering system developed for this purpose. The first formant of vowel /eh/ was manipulated 100% toward either /ć/ or /I/, and participants responded by altering their production with average F1 compensation as large as 16.3% and 10.6% of the applied formant shift, respectively. Compensation was estimated to begin <460 ms after stimulus onset. The rapid formant compensations found here suggest that auditory feedback control is similar for both F0 and formants.


Recording human evoked potentials that follow the pitch contour of a natural vowel

We investigated whether pitch-synchronous neural activity could be recorded in humans, with a natural vowel and a vowel in which the fundamental frequency was suppressed. Small variations of speech periodicity were detected in the evoked responses using a fine structure spectrograph (FSS). A significant response (P < 0.001) was measured in all seven normal subjects even when the fundamental frequency was suppressed, and it very accurately tracked the acoustic pitch contour (normalized mean absolute error < 0.57%). Small variations in speech periodicity, which humans can detect, are therefore available to the perceptual system as pitch-synchronous neural firing. These findings suggest that the measurement of pitch-evoked responses may be a viable tool for objective speech audiometry.


Human temporal auditory acuity as assessed by envelope following responses

Temporal auditory acuity, the ability to discriminate rapid changes in the envelope of a sound, is essential for speech comprehension. Human envelope following responses (EFRs) recorded from scalp electrodes were evaluated as an objective measurement of temporal processing in the auditory nervous system. The temporal auditory acuity of older and younger participants was measured behaviorally using both gap and modulation detection tasks. These findings were then related to EFRs evoked by white noise that was amplitude modulated (25% modulation depth) with a sweep of modulation frequencies from 20 to 600 Hz. The frequency at which the EFR was no longer detectable was significantly correlated with behavioral measurements of gap detection (r = -0.43), and with the maximum perceptible modulation frequency (r = 0.72). The EFR techniques investigated here might be developed into a clinically useful objective estimate of temporal auditory acuity for subjects who cannot provide reliable behavioral responses.


Estimating bone conduction transfer functions using otoacoustic emissions

A technique for estimating the nonparametric bone conduction transfer function using distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) is presented. Individual transfer functions were obtained using DPOAEs recorded from a single ear of five normal-hearing adults. Repeatability of the technique was investigated by performing measurements on at least three dates. Functions were reasonably repeatable, and were unique to each individual as expected from subjective measurements. Input force and DPOAE measurements were made for each individual, and a model of the auditory periphery representative of an average person was employed. The technique is objective and requires only passive cooperation, but robust DPOAEs are needed and the measurement time can be onerous for a wide frequency band or fine frequency resolution. With appropriate adjustments to the model of the auditory periphery, the method could be applied with animal models.


Concurrent measurement of distortion product otoacoustic emissions and auditory steady state evoked potentials

Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) and auditory steady state evoked response potentials (ASSRs) can both be evoked by tone pairs with frequencies f(1) and f(2). The DPOAE is maximal at 2f(1)-f(2) and the ASSR is maximal at f(2)-f(1). Since DPOAE magnitude depends on the ratio f(2)/f(1), but ASSR amplitude depends on the beat frequency f(2)-f(1), compromises are necessary when recording both responses concurrently. Tone pairs with f(2) of 900, 1800 and 3600 Hz were presented simultaneously at either 40 or 50 dB sound pressure level (SPL). The f(1) frequency of each pair was approximately 85 or 180 Hz lower than f(2). Phase measurements were used to calculate apparent latencies at 40 dB SPL. For increasing f(2), DPOAE latencies were 14.5, 9.7 and 6.3 ms for 85 Hz beats, and 11.5, 9.0 and 4.3 ms for 180 Hz beats. ASSR latencies were 22.0, 15.7 and 17.8 ms at 85 Hz, and 17.7, 11.3 and 9.6 ms at 180 Hz. From a model of the mechanical transmission in the cochlea, delays between the basilar membrane and the generator of the ASSR were estimated as 15.4, 12.2 and 15.3 ms at 85 Hz and 8.6, 7.6 and 8.0 ms at 180 Hz.


Human auditory steady-state responses

Steady-state evoked potentials can be recorded from the human scalp in response to auditory stimuli presented at rates between 1 and 200 Hz or by periodic modulations of the amplitude and/or frequency of a continuous tone. Responses can be objectively detected using frequency-based analyses. In waking subjects, the responses are particularly prominent at rates near 40 Hz. Responses evoked by more rapidly presented stimuli are less affected by changes in arousal and can be evoked by multiple simultaneous stimuli without significant loss of amplitude. Response amplitude increases as the depth of modulation or the intensity increases. The phase delay of the response increases as the intensity or the carrier frequency decreases. Auditory steady-state responses are generated throughout the auditory nervous system, with cortical regions contributing more than brainstem generators to responses at lower modulation frequencies. These responses are useful for objectively evaluating auditory thresholds, assessing suprathreshold hearing, and monitoring the state of arousal during anesthesia.


Human auditory steady-state responses: the effects of recording technique and state of arousal

There is some controversy in the literature about whether auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) can be reliably recorded in all subjects and whether these responses consistently decrease in amplitude during drowsiness. In 10 subjects, 40-Hz ASSRs became significantly different from background electroencephalogram activity with a probability of P < 0.01 and an average time of 22 s (range, 2-92 s), provided that the responses were analyzed with time-domain averaging rather than spectral averaging. In a second experiment with 10 subjects, 40-Hz ASSRs recorded between the vertex and posterior neck consistently decreased in amplitude during drowsiness and sleep. Findings that the ASSR may occasionally increase during drowsiness may be explained by postauricular muscle responses recorded from a mastoid reference. These may occur during drowsiness in association with rolling-eye movements. ASSRs recorded between the vertex and posterior neck are not distorted by these reflexes. These findings combine with previous literature on the effects of general anesthetics on the ASSR to confirm that the ASSR is a valid option for monitoring the hypnotic effects of general anesthetics. IMPLICATIONS: Auditory steady-state responses to stimuli presented at rates near 40 Hz can be used to monitor anesthesia. These responses can be quickly and reliably recorded during both sleep and wakefulness, provided that appropriate averaging techniques are used.


Advantages and caveats when recording steady-state responses to multiple simultaneous stimuli

This article considers the efficiency of evoked potential audiometry using steady-state responses evoked by multiple simultaneous stimuli with carrier frequencies at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. The general principles of signal-to-noise enhancement through averaging provide a basis for determining the time required to estimate thresholds. The advantage of the multiple-stimulus technique over a single-stimulus approach is less than the ratio of the number of stimuli presented. When testing two ears simultaneously, the advantage is typically that the multiple-stimulus technique is two to three times faster. One factor that increases the time of the multiple-response recording is the relatively small size of responses at 500 and 4000 Hz. Increasing the intensities of the 500- and 4000-Hz stimuli by 10 or 20 dB can enhance their responses without significantly changing the other responses. Using multiple simultaneous stimuli causes small changes in the responses compared with when the responses are evoked by single stimuli. The clearest of these interactions is the attenuation of the responses to low-frequency stimuli in the presence of higher-frequency stimuli. Although these interactions are interesting physiologically, their small size means that they do not lessen the advantages of the multiple-stimulus approach.


Estimating the audiogram using multiple auditory steady-state responses

Multiple auditory steady-state responses were evoked by eight tonal stimuli (four per ear), with each stimulus simultaneously modulated in both amplitude and frequency. The modulation frequencies varied from 80 to 95 Hz and the carrier frequencies were 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. For air conduction, the differences between physiologic thresholds for these mixed-modulation (MM) stimuli and behavioral thresholds for pure tones in 31 adult subjects with a sensorineural hearing impairment and 14 adult subjects with normal hearing were 14+/-11, 5+/-9, 5+/-9, and 9+/-10 dB (correlation coefficients .85, .94, .95, and .95) for the 500-, 1000-, 2000-, and 4000-Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. Similar results were obtained in subjects with simulated conductive hearing losses. Responses to stimuli presented through a forehead bone conductor showed physiologic-behavioral threshold differences of 22+/-8, 14+/-5, 5+/-8, and 5+/-10 dB for the 500-, 1000-, 2000-, and 4000-Hz carrier frequencies, respectively. These responses were attenuated by white noise presented concurrently through the bone conductor.


Objective calibration of bone conductors using otoacoustic emissions

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate a technique for objectively calibrating bone conductors on an individual basis using distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs). DESIGN: Individual calibrations were obtained using DPOAEs recorded from a single ear of 21 normally hearing adults. Validity and robustness of the technique were investigated through subjective phase cancellation measurements and sensitivity analysis. RESULTS: Calibrations obtained using the DPOAE method were well supported by phase cancellation results. Intersession repeatability was good, and manipulation of the DPOAE data showed that the calculated calibration is relatively insensitive to small variations of emission magnitude. Bilateral stimulation through bone conduction did not display an apparent effect on emission magnitude in a single individual. CONCLUSION: Bone conductors can be accurately calibrated on an individual basis with good repeatability using DPOAEs. The technique is robust and offers an objective, noninvasive calibration method for research and specialized clinical applications. No training and only passive cooperation are required, making the procedure ideal for special groups such as children. A number of limitations will reduce the clinical utility of this technique. Important audiometric frequencies below 1 kHz cannot be tested because of noise, because individuals with significant hearing loss are unlikely to produce sufficient DPOAEs, and because commercial bone conductors typically have poor high-frequency response above 4 kHz.


Distortion product otoacoustic emissions stimulated through bone conduction

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the viability of bone conduction as a novel method for stimulation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs). DESIGN: DPOAEs were recorded from a single ear of 23 normally hearing adults using bone and air conduction for the delivery of stimulus tones. Exploration of the input-output function was performed by varying stimulus frequency and magnitude. RESULTS: Bone-stimulated emissions demonstrated similar characteristics to those obtained through standard air transmission techniques. Characteristic nonlinear DPOAE growth was found as the magnitude of the higher frequency stimulus tone, L2, was increased monotonically with other parameters fixed. Bilateral stimulation due to using bone conduction did not saturate the mechanisms of emission suppression. Emission magnitude was not altered substantially by occlusion of the ear canal. CONCLUSION: Bone conduction can be used successfully to elicit DPOAEs. Absolute comparison of air- and bone-stimulated DPOAEs was difficult because of imprecise calibration of the bone conductors for each individual and particular placement. Properties unique to bone conduction, such as simultaneous bilateral stimulation and reduction of stimulus magnitude in the ear canal, may make bone conduction attractive for clinical measurement of DPOAEs.
